Rocco is a partner practicing in the fields of Construction and Labor Law liability, Medical Malpractice, General Liability, Premises Liability, Products Liability and Professional Liability. Rocco has successfully defended claims in both state and federal court on general liability and medical malpractice claims including defense of hospitals, physicians, nurses, mental health professionals, dentist and physical therapists. He has also successfully defended general contractors, construction managers, subcontractors, and property/building owners on Labor Law claims, trip/slip and fall cases, fire cases, as well as property damage and construction defect claims. Rocco has also defended product liability claims against manufacturers and distributors. Rocco is often retained to act as monitoring counsel on high exposure claims with catastrophic injuries to help bring the cases to a successful resolution.
Rocco has lectured on numerous topics including Medical Malpractice, Labor Law, General Liability, Fire and Explosion, and Dental Malpractice. He has presented in-house training and lectures on Risk Reduction for General Liability Claims. Rocco has also lectured extensively to dental students and practicing dentists on all aspects of dental malpractice including risk management.
Rocco has published numerous articles and client advisories on topics dealing with General Liability, Labor Law, and Medical Malpractice. He is the author of several articles and advisories on risk reduction for professionals and business owners.