Our construction litigation team routinely represents major real estate owners, hospitals, hotel chains, general contractors, construction managers, design professionals, subcontractors and their insurers in the defense of common law and Labor Law Sections 200, 240 and 241 cases. New York’s construction litigation and labor law cases are constantly evolving and are responsible for more Appellate Division cases in New York than most other case types. We bring to this practice several decades of responsive and goal-oriented results, forming relationships with our clients and their insurers to routinely achieve practical solutions to claims and problems. We draw on a network of experts in our practice. We routinely implead responsible parties when necessary and review all construction-related documents, contracts and agreements. We aggressively defend our clients while being ever mindful of the potential exposure and the costs associated with the defense. We stand ready and able to defend these matters through discovery, at trial, at mediation or even on appeal, if necessary, with our in-house Appellate Team. We give lectures and write articles in this area for clients and professional organizations.
We are uniquely positioned to assist any construction clients. We handle both routine matters as well as very high-profile and newsworthy cases, where economic damages exceed the usual norm and wrongful death actions are abundant.