Julianna is a founding partner of the firm. She has been practicing insurance law and professional and management liability defense in New York for more than thirty years.
Large exposure and complex cases, including class/mass actions and mass arbitrations, make up the majority of Julianna’s casework, in addition to significant program business, involving Directors & Officers, Employment Practice Liability and Professional Liability cases nationwide. Julianna is a widely-recognized and experienced counselor and advocate in all Management and Professional Liability lines for major domestic and international insurers, not only involving claims work, but also policy and endorsement drafting and product development. She is also a seasoned coverage litigator with a laudable track record in cases across the US, and in coverage arbitrations in the US, London, and Bermuda. Her litigation practice includes defense of insureds in a wide variety of commercial litigation.
Julianna is a frequent lecturer for legal and insurance industry organizations such as The New York State Bar Association, The American Bar Association, The New York State Trial Lawyers Association, The Professional Liability Underwriting Society, The Practicing Law Institute, The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, The College of Insurance, The American Conference Institute, The Risk and Insurance Management Society, EuroForum, and The Bermuda Insurance Institute. She is also the recipient of a National Association of Insurance Women Industry Recognition Award.
Julianna’s articles and commentary have appeared in The National Underwriter, Insurance Times, Risk Management Magazine, CFO Magazine, The Journal of the American Bar Association, Institutional Investor, Treasury & Risk Management Magazine, The International Insurance Law Review, The International Company and Commercial Law Review, The Sexual Harassment Litigation Reporter, The Employment Litigation Reporter, The National Law Journal and The San Francisco Recorder.