With the rapid growth of coins, tokens and blockchain technology, there is an increasing need for insurance coverage to protect against the risks of loss or theft of crypto assets, as well as other risks associated with crypto transactions. Participants in the crypto ecosystem, including miners, stakers, exchanges, trading platforms, custodians, financial institutions, accountants and lawyers, are exposed to claims by shareholders, digital asset owners and regulators, including the SEC, CFTC and state attorneys general. Our crypto insurance coverage practice group is highly knowledgeable about the crypto ecosystem, the claims and the potentially implicated lines of coverage, including D&O, FI, E&O, Cyber, Crime or Fidelity. We keep on top of the ever-evolving industry and regulatory landscape and are well-versed in the issues that may arise in crypto-related claims. In addition, we regularly present and publish on crypto matters and associated risks, claims, and coverage.