When faced with an occurrence or situation which may have significant legal, financial or public relation exposure to a business or organization, it is important to have skilled and experienced lawyers available to not only assist in addressing all immediate concerns but also to address any prospective issues that may arise in the future.
KBR’s crisis management team has extensive experience in assisting both large and small clients in handling these unexpected but potentially devastating situations. Our attorneys handle all aspects of crisis management including communicating with law enforcement or government agencies, evaluating possible legal exposure, conducting full internal investigations and responding to media inquiries. The right response to each of these areas is critical in order to attempt to limit potential exposure and protect the client’s business and public reputation.
As a nationally recognized defense firm with professionals who are leaders in over twenty-five areas of practice, the KBR team uses a multi-disciplinary approach to mobilize a targeted response that addresses the specific needs of the client and the situation.
When there is the potential for civil litigation, a pre-suit investigation can be crucial in identifying potential witnesses and information, securing appropriate evidence and statements and evaluating possible exposure. After the initial impact of the crisis passes, it is also oftentimes important to evaluate policies and procedures and any updates, additions or amendments that should be incorporated by the client.
Whether your business or organization has suffered a fire loss, a criminal act, a personal injury, an allegation of misconduct, property damage or any other type of loss, KBR’s crisis management team is here to respond to your needs, minimize legal exposure and protect your reputation.
KBR’s crisis management team is available, as needed, seven days a week via email at crisis@kbrlaw.com.